Sunday, May 01, 2005

Oh, Oh, Oona

The Jerusalem Post had a front page story which told of a "whiff of anti-Semitism" that MP Oona King is smelling in her Bethnall Green election campaign on April 29.
That smell, or is it stench,is, in its own way, a bit of tit for tat.

On June 19, 2003 , MP King compared Israel's treatment of Palestinians in the Gaza Strip to the Nazis' creation of the Warsaw ghetto. Gaza, she insisted, was "the same in nature", if not in extent. The building a wall around Arabs, King insisted, "is building a political ghetto." After visiting the area, while she recognized the danger of Arab terror, she was "more surprised perhaps by the everyday terror that Palestinians live" she said. As a Jew, she announced, "I hoped I would never live to see the day I was ashamed of the actions of the Jewish state."

As an observer of resurgent British anti-Semitism, I would like to convey to MP King my shame at the kind of behavior she is now suffering, despite the irony of it all in that her opponent, George Galloway, was one of the most outspoken defenders of Saddam Hussein's Iraq regime.

And by the way, there's a Palestinian angle to it all.

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