Wednesday, July 12, 2006

Lippy Livni

We will fight back, in order to fight for peace.

So pronounced Israel's Foreign Minister.

Admirable but even I, an "extremist" (not really but just for argument's sake), wouldn't say that out loud.

Israel's fights back to achieve victory.

To defend its citizens.

To liberate our soldiers.

To punish terrorists.

To prevent aggression.

We don't fight for peace. That's stupid.

We may negotiate for peace.

We could dictate terms for peace.

But a sound byte like "Israel is 'fighting' for peace" is bad and negative and unhelpful.

But I'm not in the Foreign Ministry and Lippy Livni is.

1 comment:

yitz said...

It just shows you how much she's sold out to the religion of the Left = "Peace." They have so mantra-ized and trivialized the word that they know not what it meaneth...