Tuesday, August 15, 2006

The Wallace Interview With Ahmadinejad ("I Wanna Be Mad")

David A. Harris of the American Jewish Committee is not your most strident and vociferous in-your-face Jewish proponent. He's okay but he doesn't support, for example, my viewpoint.

Here's part of his take on the interview I warned us all about:-

...Mr. Mike Wallace, wasn't up to the task...The Iranian leader outfoxed, outwitted, and outflanked Mr. Wallace...Mr. Wallace was hesitant in this interview, unwilling to press the wily Iranian president, and was thrown off stride by the tough, even snide, comebacks, including a threat to end the interview prematurely.

Moreover, Mr. Wallace seemed unexpectedly charmed, perhaps even won over, by the president, which also may have dulled his usually sharp instincts.

Had this been a boxing match, the victory, I'm sorry to say, would have gone to Ahmadinejad in a knockout. It wasn't even close...

He lamely suggested that America believes Iran to be pursuing nuclear weapons, failing to mention that this is also the conclusion of the five permanent members of the U.N. Security Council and of the International Atomic Energy Agency...

He allowed Mr. Ahmadinejad to go on at length about the suffering in Lebanon, without pursuing why the conflict had begun a Hezbollah attack on Israel on July 12 or pressing him on his outrageous claims about Israeli actions.

...Mr. Wallace didn't come back at his interlocutor to suggest that Israel's existence was more than an outgrowth of the Holocaust, but the realization of a link between the Jewish people and the land that has existed for over three thousand years. He simply let stand Mr. Ahmadinejad's contention that since the Holocaust, if it took place at all, was a European problem, the solution lies in Europe, not the Middle East. Otherwise, the 6 million inhabitants of Israel are fair game for Iran.

...Another particularly fascinating area that could have been explored was the president's theology.

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