Sunday, December 03, 2006

The Condi Robust Rice Report

Another follow up on the Secretary of States' opinion:

SECRETARY RICE: Back to the question of the territories for the Palestinian state. First of all, the United States has made clear that we expect it to be a viable and contiguous state when it is created. Secondly, that no actions that are being taken now should prejudge the outcome of a final status agreement; that means, very clearly, that if actions are being taken now, they will not be considered by the United States to have prejudged the outcome of final status. The third point is that we have made very clear that Israel has obligations under the roadmap and that the obligations on settlements are clearly articulated in the roadmap. And so those principles guide American policy, they guide our discussions with the Israelis just as obligations under the roadmap guide our discussions with our Palestinian partners as well.

From Secretary of State Condoleezza Rice's remarks at her meeting with Mahmoud Abbas at Jericho on November 30, 2006

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