Friday, September 07, 2007

Burston Brimming with Wisdom

Haaretz's blogger finally gets it right:-

It's taken me all these years to finally realize that the settlers were right.

At last, it all fell into logical place - the hardships, stumbling blocks and failures of the peace process, the dismal consequences of the disengagement from Gaza, the commandment to settle all of the Land of Israel, the rabbinical prohibitions against giving back one grain of soil, the settlers' success in battling the peace process and their alienation from the government.

The answer is simple. The settlers are right. They should stay right where they are. No matter what. Even if there is an eventual peace. Even if the land they live on is part of a Palestinian state...

...Under a future peace agreement, it is reasonable to expect that settlers from across the West Bank will be invited to resettle in Green Line settlement blocs to be annexed to Israel in a territorial exchange with the Palestinians.

But who could blame settlers in outlying enclaves for refusing to budge, given the government's abysmal track record in resettling fewer than 10,000 uprooted families since the 2005 disengagement?

Let them stay. Let them stay right where they are. Let them have the courage of their beliefs. It's a test. For the settlers and, especially, for the Palestinians.

Of course, being in Haaretz has sort of corrupted his logice for then he tries to be clever:-

And if the Palestinians counter that Israel must allow an equal number of Palestinian refugees into Israel proper, say 200,000 of them, so be it.

Why? Because they launched a war of aggression against us in November 1947 and haven't stopped?

That's why they expect to start a war or terror campaign and even if they lose, they sort of win, incremently?

Okay, so Burston doesn't get it right.

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