Friday, November 14, 2008

New York Times Is Now Marketing, Not Reporting

The "One Home" Movement has been singularly unsuccessful in trying to get Jewish residents of Judea and Samaria to acccept compensation and move out.

For over three years they've done nothing other than make headlines.

UK Telegraph.

LA Times.

And now it seems another PR effort is on:

Der Spiegel.

But the government nixed the plan.

So, what do they do, these financial wizards?

They go to the New York Times which prints a rehash of three years of futility.

Is the NYTimes reporting or marketing?

For example, Monika Yzchaki of Mevo Dotan is quoted saying, "Now I have to show a passport at the barrier to get home". This is patently incorrrect. No passports are required to enter Judea and Samaria from Israel or in the other direction. She was most probably referring to an Israeli identity card, something the correspondent should have known and corrected himself.

And Dani Dayan informed me all his explanations for Raz's behavior was left out.

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