Tuesday, November 18, 2008

Religion Is A Powerful Tool, Obama Learns

Kansas Preacher Pushes Obama Muslim Message

WICHITA, KAN. -- A Wichita, Kansas preacher says he will not remove a message on his church sign that says President-Elect Barack Obama is a Muslim.

The sign is staying up despite the fact that Obama is a Christian.

The sign at Spirit One Christian Center reads, "America we have a Muslim president. This is sin against the Lord."

Is this a faith-based message?

1 comment:

Don P said...

Barack Obama is not a Christian. Any "church" which teaches racial superiority, racial hatred, and disrespect for authority has nothing to do with Christianity.Support for abortion and gay marriage are anathema to any actual Christian. Anyone who believes that Mr Obama is a Christian knows nothing about the tenets of the faith.