Sunday, January 04, 2009

Another Set of Wall Posters

From my ongoing series of wall posters in Hareidi neighborhoods of Jerusalem, mainly Meah She'arim and Geula:

This one makes a disclaimer, that the "Mishmeret HaKodeah v'Ha'Chinuch of the Benei Brak Religious Courts" does not authorize any films for viewing:

and this one informs the public that graves have been discovered at the Ohel Moshe section of Meiron, Rashbi's grave and that all Kohanim are prohibited from entering the site until matters can be cleared up:

These next two deal with the Mumbai massacre. The first is the hesped, the memorial speech made by Rebbe of Toldos Avraham Yizhak for Leibish Teitelbaum, his son-in-law, on 12th Kislev

and this next one asks: "why do Jews become targets when the matter is a political conflict?" and is a translation into Hebrew of the Satmar statement (see here for similar thoughts)

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