Saturday, January 17, 2009

For My Opponents

This might be useful to my many readers who do not agree with my opinions:

...Use these 10 go-to phrases to defuse potentially volatile conversations and help you get through the coming years -- in harmony.

1. "Thank you for your opinion. I'll think about it."

2. "Is this a good time for you?"

3. "Would you like my thoughts?"

4. "Why don't we get the facts?"

5. "I need your help. Can you please...?"

6. "Let's wait on this until we have more information."

7. "What did you mean by that?"

8. "I don't like that, so why don't we do this instead?"

9. "I'm sorry you're upset."

10. "Let me get back to you."


g said...

LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOL! Before you teach people how to be polite, you should stop calling everyone who doesn't agree with you stupid and twisted etc. Or you are the only one who can inslult people?

That's your way with Palestinians too. You'll take their land, abuse them in any way you can and then tell them "Hey, be nice!"
Seriously, medad, who the fuck you think you are?

YMedad said...

now, now, galia, let's not get foul-tongued. your anger is showing. i don't insult people, only their intelligence, knowledge of facts, political opinions, and lack of honesty when arguing.

imagine if i had used the f-word at you. you'd probably say I was somehow anti-feminist, insulting, etc.

last time: we did not "take" any Arab land.

Anonymous said...

What's your idea of a long term solution between Israel and Palestine?

Genuine curiosity here.

g said...

"i don't insult people, only their intelligence". Is there a difference? Or you are excusing yourself again.

g said...

Yeah, Medad, why don't you be more constructive here and show some desire to work this out. What would you do?