Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Neve Gordon Is At It Again

Over at Amy Goodman's Democracy Today, she spoke with two one Lanny Davis and also Neve* Gordon.

Here's one excerpt that bothered me:

NEVE GORDON: ... First of all, I agree with the idea of a basic right to self-defense. And the right to self-defense is a right to self-defense from violence. We have to understand that the occupation itself is violence. It’s an act of violence. Putting people in a prison, in a prison of one million and a half million people and keeping them there for years on end without basic foodstuff, without allowing them to enter and exit when they will, is an act of violence. Without electricity, without clean water, it’s all an act of violence. And these people are resisting. I am against the way they’re resisting, but we have to look at their violence versus our violence.

About between ten and twenty people, Israelis, have died from rockets in the eight years that rockets have been launched from the Gaza Strip into Israel. During the same amount of time, 4,000 Israelis have died from car accidents. And yet, we don’t see an outrage against the terrorism on the streets in Israel. But from these twenty people, we’re allowed to enter into the Gaza Strip and bomb them from the air into their cage and kill 275 children.

Yes, car accidents are a terrible problem but they are accidents.

If there were a group of drivers, who, say, called themselves the "Hamas Steering Wheel Devils" and went around purposefully ramming their cars into Jews (that has actually occurred, by the way), even if only, God forbid, three Jews were killed, I'd do all I could, including bombing their garages to make sure they are stopped.

Neve is a complete idiot, fool or, worse, a secret Hamas supporter. And I won't get into his first claim about

Putting people in a prison, in a prison of one million and a half million people and keeping them there for years on end without basic foodstuff, without allowing them to enter and exit when they will, is an act of violence. Without electricity, without clean water, it’s all an act of violence

which is not exactly the truth, not by a longshot or even a Qassam missle length.


His name is ניב in Hebrew and is pronounced Neev like in sieve.

It translates as idiom which is fairly close to idiot, in spelling.


Anonymous said...

Stop all support for Ben Gurion University until Gordon is shipped to Iran!

Not a dime for treason!

g said...

Yep,i heard that program and that's what on the radios here Medad.
Why don't you post some of this stuff on your blog? You are Zionist, you should spread the famous zionist quotes, don't you think? Unless there is something to hide............

Anonymous said...

Give Neve Gordon a new circumcision from his neck up

YMedad said...

Please, no violent language at this blog. Even if in jest.

Anonymous said...

Galia - do you mean the fake, misquoted or misattributed zionist quotes that you see on pro-Palestinian and neo-nazi websites? LOL.