Sunday, January 11, 2009

Those Gazan Civilian Casualties?

Someone I know was wounded yesterday and took some shrapnel in an alley from a improvised explosive device.

He should be fine soon.

But one thing I heard was that a significant number of those "civilian casualties" we're being berated over, you know, Israel's "war crimes", are actually Arabs who have had Hamas mortar shells land on them.

That's right, "collateral damage", from their own side.

How many, I don't know. But it is occurring and our soldiers have become aware of it because they have been instructed to avoid harming, unnecessarily, civilians.

Of course, exactly how to tell a civilian from a Hamasnik is no mean feat.

But we're trying.

Unlike what the media is reporting.


JG said...

Next you'll be telling us that Hamas bombed those schools. You're running out of tall tales.

You are an apologist for murder. Shame on you.

g said...

how about the chemical weapons that Israeli use? will you say now that palestine has chemical weapons? you know their use is a crime right? what's excuse now?

deavman said...

Galia, Galia come on even you, an avowed frenzied anti-Israelnik would not fall for this piece of nonsense...would you? Oh, I see you would! Anything goes as long as it is in line with Hamas apologist.