Monday, March 09, 2009

Another "Who Said This?" Quiz

The topic is education.

Who said this:

"...I would never lose hope, I would never give up on the dream of a Palestinian State. No matter what happens, no matter what people do to try and derail that dream. I would tell my daughter and I would hope my daughter would believe with all of her heart that she has the same opportunities for the best future that any child anywhere in the world does and that's what my goal will be...I understand the frustration and sense of hopelessness that can sometimes effect peoples thinking and feeling but I believe that with all my heart that there is no excuse for hopelessness. There is always the possibility of the human spirit that can overcome any barrier. Not violence, not rejectionism and despair but constantly making it clear that human beings deserve the same rights no matter who you are and what you are and where you live; that's why getting an education is so important. That's why meeting these young students in access and talking to the two of you fills me with hope.

Note that: education. And education comes from books.

Now, who said this:

I have been speaking out against the incitement of hate and violence in Palestinian textbooks for years. In 2000 I joined Nobel peace prize winner Elie Wiesel in New York to denounce the lessons of hatred and violence that are part of the curricula in Palestinian schools. I wrote, with my colleague Senator Schumer, a letter to President Bush, urging his Administration to do everything in its power to persuade the Palestinians to reverse their hateful rhetoric and embrace the opportunity to move toward a strong and lasting peace in the region.

...these children deserves an education that instills respect for life and peace instead of glorifying death and violence. The videos we viewed at that Senate hearing were a clear example of child abuse. I said that at the time and I repeat it again today. Children were encouraged to see martyrdom and armed struggle and the murder of innocent people as ideals to strive for.

Today, we are here once again to release a report that is deeply disturbing, particularly for the denial of Israel’s existence and the historical omissions of the Holocaust, to cite just two examples.

These textbooks do not give Palestinian children an education; they give them an indoctrination...Hate has no place in the curriculum of schools, and the glorification of violence has no place in the education of children.

This propaganda is dangerous...We cannot build a peaceful, stable, safe future on such a hate-filled violent and radical foundation.

So, who said those statements?

And the answer is Hillary Clinton - for both statements.

But you knew that, right?




Source for statement one.

Source for statement two.

1 comment:

Peter Drubetskoy said...

I would like to see some evidence of those Palestinian hate filled books.
Lawrence of Cyberia has a convincing case that the whole thing is totally distorted.