Friday, April 10, 2009

You Saw the "Obama-As-Commie" Poster?


Anonymous said...

Four photos of yourself on your home-page?? That’s so creepy!!

Ron Russell said...

The image of Obama is fitting. Looks like some on my website. Those on the left in this country now like to refer to themselves as progressives rather than liberals. A snake by any other name is still a snake. The progressive movement in this country goes back to the days of Teddy Roosevelt and was imported to the U.S. from German intellictuals in the early 1900's. Obama is certainly a progressive, in the truest since of the word. Progressiveism and fascism are first cousins with little difference between the two. The early fascist movement in Italy had many Jewish supporters, but as Hitler gain more and more influence with Mussolini the Jews were expelled from there ranks--I suppose that turned out to be a good thing. I mention these things, with the full realization that I know little of the actual events and if I error I beg to be corrected. I maintain an open mind on this subject. Back to Obama--this man is a clear and present danger not only for us here in the states, but to the state of Israel. He may not be a communist, but he is close, very close---a true believer in a socialist Utopia. I'm reminded of Jonahan Swift's, Gullivers Travels.
In the satire, I'm sure you remember Gullivers trip to the land of the Houyhnhnms who represented prefection in nature--a utopian-like society. That may be his view. Or it could be something much darker; Obama may see himself in the land of the Lilliputians with us being the Lilliputs and him the gaint Gulliver. Scarry! I enjoy visiting your blog, but find myself not able to comment on many of the post due to a lack of knowledge on many of your local events.

YMedad said...

Anon: you can't count. there are actually five