Thursday, October 22, 2009

Not Quite Truth

In "Unsettling Zionism", a short piece by Gadi Taub in The Forward, part of a dialogue, responding to Jay Michaelson’s article “How I’m Losing My Love for Israel

Gadi writes:

In truth, settlement in the West Bank is Zionism’s opposite. Zionism is about liberating people; settlement in the West Bank is about redeeming land.

Gadi has published articles and a book on this issue and teaches at Hebrew U.

Zionism was foremost taking back Eretz-Yisrael from the Ottoman Turks, taking labor from the Arabs, establishing kibbutzim, cities and every other type of residential entity possible. Herzl wanted a "charter" from the Sultan and that was rights conferred "to acquire certain (Arab) lands in Palestine and Syria".

Without land, Zionism is nothing.

And, is Gadi anything if he doesn't understand this?

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