Friday, December 11, 2009

More on That UK Discriminatory Policy

Following up on my blog post yesterday, on the UK food discrimination policy, I was asked to take a call from BBC World News today and I was interviewed at 10:10 or so, local British time.

I was quizzed on this story:

New labelling for West Bank foods

UK food labels are set to distinguish between goods from Palestinians in the occupied territories and produce from Israeli settlements. Food packaging guidelines advise a change from labels usually naming only Israel or West Bank as the source. The government said it was opposed to a boycott of Israeli goods, but that the settlements posed an obstacle to peace.

The Palestinian general delegation to the UK welcomed the move, but Israel said it was "extremely disappointed"...

I made the following points:

a) this is as close to racial, ethnic profiling and illegal discrimination that you can get;

b) the land I live on his not "occupied" but Jewish;

c) the local indigenous Arab farmer owes much to Israel for the technological advancements since 1967, allowing him to produce much of what he could never produce earlier;

d) the British consumer would do better to eat and drink our agricultural produce which is better in terms of quality, health advantages and quality control;

e) in the end, I'd gamble that when a buyer has to make a decision which apple or aubergine or wine to purchase, he'll chose our products.


Go here and make your voice heard!



The British are very anti Jewish by nature. I was at a trade show in the US displaying out wares along with other companies and hosted byt yet another integrator. The integrator who was our host was touting the product I was there to represent and the said, " youdont want to hear it from me here you can speak to the manufacturer!" the customer who was English looked at me, saw only my Kipah and said, "I have seen enough!" and turned tail and walked away.

Anonymous said...

"The British are very anti Jewish by nature" - hilarious that you would be so clueless as to make an anti-Semetic argument with pure bigotry. One can only imaging the things you say and do to Palestinians when no one is looking

YMedad said...

I know you are talking to Arthur, but I find it hilarious that all Judeaophobic commenters here seem never able to spell properly.

YMedad said...

The ZF was appalled to see the DEFRA guidelines (published on 10 December) on labeling of goods produced in the West Bank. About eight months ago the ZF led a delegation to the British Ambassador in Israel. This included representatives of the Manufacturers' Association of Israel, the Histradrut and
COHAV (an international Israel advocacy organisation). At that meeting the Ambassador was asked which consumers had requested the labelling transparency which the government claims as a reason for issuing the guidelines.

The answer was Oxfam and War on Want- two of the most viciously anti-Israel NGOs. The government should listen to those 30,000 Palestinians dependent on
settlements for their income.

Local Palestinians have repeatedly said that they do not want a boycott and that a boycott would increase unemployment and hinder
economic development in the Palestinian territories. The economy of the West Bank is growing very rapidly and this guidance will be bad for growth and
therefore bad for peace.

The Zionist Federation asks whether these mythical British consumers are more concerned about products from the West Bank than products from other disputed areas, such as Tibet, Kashmir, northern Cyprus, Chechnya, Kosovo, parts of Bosnia or even places like Gibraltar, the Falkland Islands and Northern Ireland.

YMedad said...

Dear Anon: name one thing Arabs have done/accomplished in/with Shiloh where I live as opposed to what we Jew have done (Tabernacle, etc.) and multiply that all over the land that the League of Nations recognized as where the Jewish national Home was to be reconstituted because of the historical connection of the Jewish people with this land.

bathmate said...

I liked it.