Wednesday, June 16, 2010

Proof: Arabs Seek To "Cleanse" Jews Out of Eretz-Yisrael

Palestinian Authority National Economy Minister Hassan Abu Libda defended his government’s decision to boycott goods produced in the settlements...

...As part of the campaign, residents were given a booklet containing photos and descriptions of settlement-produced goods and asked to take the “Al-Karameh,” or dignity pledge, and place stickers on their doorways reading, “My conscience is at peace...

This place is clean from settlement products.”

“While we are cleaning the Palestinian market from settlement products, we continue to commit to the Paris Protocol [on Economic Relations between the Government of the State of Israel and the Palestine Liberation Organization] and welcome Israeli products in our markets, in spite of the problems we have with Israel concerning its own commitments to the Paris Protocol,” said Abu Libda.


1 comment:

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