Wednesday, November 03, 2010

A New Poll: Only 28% For Full Evacuation

The new Peace Index for October, 2010, supervised by Prof. Ephraim Yaar and Prof. Tamar Hermann is out. As usual, you have to read carefully as the questions can be tricky.

From the Summary of the Findings:

64% of the Jewish public thinks we should return now to negotiations with the Palestinian Authority under U.S. patronage. However, only 33% think they are likely to bear fruit.

74% supports Netanyahu’s demand that the Palestinian leadership recognize Israel as the state of the Jewish people as a condition for extending the building freeze of the Jewish communities beyond the Green Line.

Half of the Jewish public are willing to evacuate the smaller communities that lie beyond the large blocs (a minority of 43% oppose this). However, only a minority (28%) thinks Israel should sign such an agreement and pay for it by evacuating all of the communities in Yesha (a majority of 65% oppose such an evacuation).

The Jewish public is evenly split on the question of whether to enable the Jewish residents to remain in their homes after an evacuation and the transfer of the territories to the Palestinian Authority – 47% favor providing such a possibility and 48% oppose it.

All that means that Israel's Jewish population is well in the right and righty-of-center mold.


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