Tuesday, November 16, 2010

What Do The Pals. Think?

DaledAmos pointed me here:

Asked to select the issue of highest importance for the Palestinian people, 22.4% of respondents said the economic situation was the most important issue, while 18% said the internal split between the factions was the issue that most concerned them. A ratio of 15.5% named the occupation as the most important issue, while 9.4% of respondents said the siege on Gaza was the most important issue, followed by the issue of settlements listed first by 6.6% and the question of Jerusalem rated most important by 4.9% of participants.

Respondents’ opinions varied between the West Bank and Gaza Strip on the most important issue concerning the Palestinian people. Nearly 28 percent (27.6%) of respondents in the West Bank said the economic situation was the most important issue while 29.8% of Gazan respondents said the internal split was the most important issue. Conversely, a ratio of 10.9% of respondents in the West Bank said the internal split was the most important issue compared with 13.8% of respondents in Gaza who said the economic situation was the most important issue.

That is enlightening.


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