Monday, December 13, 2010

An Easy Choice, Actually

Leon Wieseltier confronts a dilema in Egypt - be bad and support eventual good, be good and end up supporting evil:

The outrage is obvious. But so is the complication. In standing up for the opposition, for the victims of the dictator, we are standing up for the Muslim Brotherhood. Consider the consequences of its ascension to power...Political theology has always been a mixture of inflexibility in beliefs and flexibility in tactics. The effects of a Muslim Brotherhood regime upon Egypt’s relations with Israel, and therefore upon the stability of the entire region, may also be devastating. Israel already endures two borders with hostile Islamist theocrats. Should it endure a third such border, and with the largest Arab state? The incommensurability of values, indeed. This seems like a choice between democracy and peace.

No, it's a choice between good and evil.

And it's an easy one to make.


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