Friday, August 05, 2011

On Apologizing and Healing

The editorial of the Jerusalem Post today is entitled "Apology to Norway" and is summed up thus:-

We hope that the Norwegian government and people will accept the 'Post’s apology and forgive us for any offense or hurt caused at this sensitive time.

The key to understanding this apology is here: [the editorial] inappropriately, raised issues that were not directly pertinent, such as the dangers of multiculturalism, European immigration policies and even the Oslo peace process.

So, would it be appropriate, at some time, in a way that is not directly connected to the bombing and shooting, to bring up Norway's support for boycott, which coincidentally, was being inculcated into the minds of those murdered just the day before at that island summer camp?  So much so that one of the participants later interviewed informed us

Many people thought that it was a test ... comparing it to how it is to live in Gaza. So many people went to him and tried to talk to him, but they were shot immediately."

Oh, by the way, did the Ambassador apologize for his comparison which seemingly justified Arab terror against civilians?  This one:

..."We Norwegians consider the occupation to be the cause of the terror against Israel," he said.

Is it, in proper circumstances, possible to ask for an apology from Norway?

(k/t = GS)

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear estimable Secretary,
    With all due respect to the imbroglio Norway now finds herself in amid this difficult period of mourning, in the name of propriety I now humbly implore you to tender your resignation.  Also, as the diktats of protocol would infer, you owe the lady an apology, but then you sir are no gentleman.  Indeed, Norway has suffered a tragedy to which the Jewish State responded with alacrity.   A simple offer of aid and an outstretched hand buoyed by a belief system practiced with assiduity for the last 5771 years was met with cretinous slander, misplaced blame, and followed with a misogynist tinged blood libel worthy of the first christian crusades.  Yes, the irreparable damage to your career is truly irrevocable and you have incongruously splayed the unsavoury contents of your spleen across the predominantly jewish public forum to which you were invited but even at this very late date you might apologize to the Israeli government, and to the talented writers whose opinions you find umbrageous.  Or will you in your refrain blame the horns that Mr. Rubin has on his head for your inappropriate rancour?  After all, a refined and cultured statesman such as yourself must be familiar with HasShems prophet Moses, even if it is only Michaelangelos statue you most obtusely use as your reference.  Jews of all stripes (yes I said stripes lest you forget our precious and innocent martyrs who perished as dear europa lay smoldering) hold their heads high whether bare or covered with kippah or head scarf,  confident  in their liberality and freedom, independent to enjoy the support of any who wish to crawl from the shadows and into the light we share. It is never to late to shed your archaic shackles, I suggest you do so.
    The Jewish State will endure, never as an anachronism, regardless of how many gnash their teeth, and much to your chagrin.   May I remind you the jews flourish not only by virtue of their own fortitude, but with the aid of myriad.  Yet we need no one.  Therein lies our paradox incomprehensible to you.  
               Thank you.