Friday, September 02, 2011

Construction; Moratorium; Construction; Statistics

I blogged this past week on our construction activity.

Take into consideration this:-

The CBS data continues to run counter to speculation by the media and left-wing activists that there would be a boom in new Jewish West Bank construction in the aftermath of the 10-month moratorium on such activity that ended on September 26, 2010.

Due to the moratorium, it is difficult to compare activity from 2011 and 2010.

But the 281 housing starts in the second quarter of 2011 represent a 42 percent drop from the last quarter of 2010, which is the only complete quarter in that year in which new settlement construction took place without any moratorium restrictions.

That is almost the same as the 285 housing starts in the first quarter of 2011.

The total of 566 settler housing starts in the first half of 2011 represents a 16% drop when compared to the 713 starts in the same period in 2009, a 44% decrease when compared with the 1,015 starts in 2008 and a 21% drop when compared with the 713 starts in the first half of 2007.

Come back in another few months.



NormanF said...
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NormanF said...

With the Palestinians abrogating Oslo, there is no longer any point in Jewish restraint on settlement activity. The best answer to this behavior is to settle more Jews in Yesha.

Peace will not be achieved by standing still and marking time. It will come only when the Arabs understand they have much to lose by continuing to oppose Israel's existence.