Friday, September 09, 2011

More Pictures Of Migron Destruction

Thanks to Gemma Blech:-




aparatchik said...

What is the legal status of the land that Migron is built on?

Juniper in the Desert said...

From the above post: "Migron, a Jewish community of some 50 families, sits on the high hills of Benjamin, a few minutes’ drive from Jerusalem. Their land has lain barren for centuries and never ‘owned’ or planted by anyone. Surrounded by hostile Arab villages, it was a perfect setting for Peace Now etc to state that this land was ‘stolen’ from Arabs. The Supreme Court of Israel chose to ignore all the evidence that Migron possesses that this was a LIE. Pressure has been on Israel to pacify the Palestinians, Peace Now, President Obama, the Europeans and assorted others and so Migron has been threatened with the fate of Gush Katif – DESTRUCTION. BUT, before the dreaded dead line of that destruction [March 2012], the Police moved in at dead of night and destroyed the 3 newest lovingly built homes. The atrocity of this situation defies words as with a signature Migron could have been legalized this appalling destruction averted. NOW Migron needs MONEY to pay for a CAMPAIGN to fight for their existence."