Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Wearing the Yellow Star of David As A Protest Symbol

The recent Hareidi protest PR device of wearing a yellow Star of David really rankled many.

Some thought it totally innapproriate to exploit Holocaust symbols while others said that accusing Israel, for that is the comparison that comes to mind, of similar Nazi-era crimes is evil.

When Soviet Jews wore them:

I guess it was okay.

(Vladimir Slepak is in front row, third from left and Dina Beilina is second from right)


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

John Lennon wore a yellow star when protesting the Vietnam war. It was not the star of David, but it was a star. I always wondered why he wore that star, now I know. He also wrote the song, "Just give peace a chance". He actually altered the course of history for the U.S. in reference to the VietNam war. If John were alive today his advice for Isreal would be, blow the shofars in Israel, prepare for war, and that any form of peace offered your nation will be a conterfeit peace used only for the purpose of lulling you into a false sense of complacency.