Tuesday, September 04, 2012

Arab Ethnic Cleaning - 1500 Years Ago

Via EOZ, via Muqata:

Announced -and probably soon to be here:

1500 year old Jewish town found near Beersheva - in the 6th century CE.

Archaeologists uncovered two ritual baths and two public buildings with platforms on the Jerusalem-facing walls, indicating that they were either synagogues or Talmud schools.

It appears that the town was evacuated around the time of the Muslim invasion.

Indeed, it seems that the land of Israel had a significant - if not majority - Jewish population for centuries after the Roman conquest until the Muslim hordes came.


That was an act caused by ethnic cleansing, whether by force or economic deprivation.

So, Jews were indeed a constant demographic element in this land.



Anonymous said...

Don't you think its about time Israel turns the tide and and starts cleansing this earth of the ethnos that wants to eliminate them from existance. You must first accept reality for what it is and not expose your country to imminent attack relying on baseless promises from our present administration. We have a president whose name TRUMPETS his anti-Israeli agenda coupled with his antimessianic role. Remember what God told Isaacs wife, their are TWO nations in your womb. Our president is the embodiment of every force that has come against Israel since Cain killed Able...Ismael, Esau, phillistines, palestinians, Hamas, Muslim brotherhood, ect.ect. ad infinitum. He has his finger on a big trigger.... the American Armed forces and is also the CEO of the Islamic hoards. Its not about the economy stupid a "domestic born" foreign terroist is at the helm of the American titanic and is getting ready to make its last trip under his command.

Anonymous said...

In my humble opinion the DNC looked more like a batman movie with the Joker(clinton) in charge of the buffoons. Did you see Michelles fangs, they are starting to grow and drool, her and her husband are both smelling blood and its YOURS. Her husband has finally assembled, at starwars bars, the forces required as his base for the finale take down of Israel. Islam along with the hunds are going into a frenzy.

Anonymous said...


Anonymous said...

Israel I beleive wholeheartedly that you are believers in the God of Abraham. Now it seems to me that fair is fair in Gods eyes. When someone tells you he is going to nuke you I feel God would approve of your nuking of them. Now why should you send all your jets to Iran to take out their nuclear facillities when you can nuke them. Common sense would dictate that if your jets did have a successful mission all the arab countrys would be shooting at them as they returned. IN fact they are probably planning to attack you as we speak. Didn't David put 5 stones in his sling? Use one for Iran, use the other for Mecca, and use the other 3 for any one who gets in your way. You need to cut the head off the cobra. Don't worry about Russia or China, you would be doing them a favor. It seems Vladimere is covering your back, and if he is with you, you can rest assured China is. You know all 3 of you need to get together and talk, brother to brother. Israel, God wants to tell you something, Russia and China are going to enter the millinium as saints, you are HIS ELECT, that you can be assured of. So they are your brothers according to God. Now this impending war is not the battle of Gog and Magog, it is not Armegeddon, it is that war which preceeds the beginning of the tribulation, which I have titled as the battle of ammaghetto. The Battle of Armegeddon is when Israel Combines its forces with Russia and China to square off with the Islamic European Union. Its time you start talking with China, Merkle is. Don't fear Russia and China, God has your back. Your know that Russian orthodox minister the pussy revolution worked themselves to a frenzy over when, he said," God had put Vladimire in office at this particular time for a prophetic reason", God has put him in office to protect Israel, why do I know that?... because God told me that. ISRAEL GOD HAS YOUR BACK.

Anonymous said...

You know my grandpa always told me, "son if it ain't broke don't fix it". We have elected a president that beleives if it ain't broke, BREAK IT. He's a complete lunatic. The word on the street is that he is from the dark side of the moon. But new rumors from Roswell claim Rosemary actually had two babys, and that Michelle is actually his sister. Now I know why they their best friend is a hill billy from Arkansaw. Oh, my god thats why he will not release his records, he does not want the world to know Michelle is his sister!!!