Friday, October 05, 2012

Zounds, Sir

This was sent to me about the Board of Deputies in the UK and an event at the Jordanian Embassy, I think.

And I want to relate just  to the final sentence:

From: Jon Benjamin 
Sent: 05 October 2012 10:17
Subject: RE: Reply to email

...The jurisdiction of the Temple Mount is determined by agreement between Israel and Jordan and we don’t seek to question what has been determined by the Israelis.

Jon Benjamin
Chief Executive
t: 020 7543 5400
f: 020 7543 0010
a: 6 Bloomsbury Square, London WC1A 2LP


Perhaps that should be "administration".

Here's from the 1994 Peace Treaty with Jordan:

Article 9: Holy places
Guaranteed free access to historically significant places. Israel agreed to respect Jordan's special role in protecting Muslim Holy shrines in Jerusalem. Israel agreed to give high priority to Jordan's historic role in these shrines during permanent status negotiations. The states also pledged to promote interfaith relations among Judaism, Islam and Christianity, with the aim of working towards religious understanding, moral commitment, freedom of religious worship, tolerance and peace.

Jurisdiction isn't in there, Mr.Benjamin.

"Free access", though, is and for your information I as a Jew do not really have that freedom.

"Religious understanding"?  You know there is none of that on the Temple Mount.

"Worship"?  Admit it, you know that doesn't exist for me.

"Religious understanding" is a joke there.  As is tolerance.

Mr. Benjamin, are you truly fit for your job?

There is "Temple denial" and "Jerusalem denial".  There are riots.  Threats.  

Now we have a denial from the Board of Deputies.

Is this appropriate?

“Zounds, sir, you are one of those that will not serve God if the devil bid you

(Iago, Othello, Act 1, Scene One)


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